Saturday, April 16, 2011


Heyy people! I'm gonna have a giveaway soon. Now all you have to do to win this MYSTERY item is to guess the answer to this question and get it RIGHT! ;D Then, if you win I'll have you email me and well work out a way to get it to you at school! :) so here's your question!

If you had only one match and entered a room in which there was a wood-burning stove, oil burner, and a kerosene lamp, which one would light first?


  1. lmfao. this one's old. the match duuhhr.

  2. Looks like Camlle gets it! :) sry Irfan! :{P

  3. 5:50 AM? DaFuuu. Why were you up so early? and where were you tuhhhhday?
